About Andrea

My Life Changed 25 Years Ago!

That’s a big statement. In fact, my attitude and approach to life changed nearly 30 years ago. I had been dabbling in spiritual workshops and books for a couple of years, but a crisis in my romantic life made me sit up and take notice that this was a pattern, and I now wanted to break this pattern.

I realised that I existed with constant thoughts circling around my head. It was as though they were on a treadmill and kept coming back at very regular intervals. I had no inner peace; my sleep and dream life were disturbed by these thoughts. I wanted change on a deep level.

I Discovered Peace...

I started using the vibrational tools of crystals, colour, flower medicine and sound to help me get back on track.

What I got was calmness and peace. That monkey mind and mental chatter was stilled which also meant there was no more worrying. My sleep and dream life improved and I had more energy and created healthy boundaries. I learnt how to say no with grace. I no longer had drama patterns in my life. Life became easier and I found myself being more compassionate. My intuition developed, and my self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect soared.

The Power of Support...

Looking back, I realise how important just one person was in helping me get to where I am today. Through her, I understood that it’s very difficult to make the necessary shifts without someone to support you through them. I would love to be that person for you. I’ve been there, I’ve gone through what you are going through now, and got the t-shirt! This is why I chose to do this work, to guide you through the difficult moments in your life.

Initially I ran my business side by side my job in the corporate world. But due to events beyond my control there, I took the big decision to leave the corporate world behind, leave London, move to Salisbury, relaunch and run my business from there.

How I Work

can help you with all of this to so that you can move forward in your life with confidence.

Do you feel stuck and that you can’t move forward? Are your relationships not working as you would like and your inner motto is ‘anything for a quiet life’? Are you worrying about the little things in life, and perhaps the not so little things? Are you suffering with the loss of someone and would love to feel less pain, but at the same time don’t want to be disloyal to their memory? Are you simply unhappy and want change in your life?

Imagine having the confidence to go for whatever you want …

It might be that dream job, going for that promotion; it may be taking a risk and saying goodbye to that job, so you can pursue something you really love doing. 

Are your relationships all you want them to be? See yourself cultivating open and harmonious relationships across all areas of your life. And think how much of a burden will be lifted when practicing financial responsibility, being in credit rather than dreading the thought of bills and the bank statement arriving. Imagine that you can think of the person you’ve lost with love in your heart rather than sadness? Imagine that little voice inside your head that tells you you’re not good enough, being silenced, once and for all.

My Ideal Client...

I work with people who realise they have repetitive patterns that are detrimental to themselves and want to break these damaging habits.

Are you ready to try something new, something that will achieve positive change in your life? Are you willing to embrace change and work towards a more fulfilled life? Do you feel stuck and want to move forward in your life but don’t know how? Do you sometimes feel as though you are just drifting through life and going with the flow?

How does a more purposeful life sound to you? You will have more of a sense of well-being, feel more connected within, and more at ease within yourself with feelings of calmness and peace.

Are your relationships all you want them to be? See yourself cultivating open and harmonious relationships across all areas of your life. And think how much of a burden will be lifted when practicing financial responsibility, being in credit rather than dreading the thought of bills and the bank statement arriving. Imagine that you can think of the person you’ve lost with love in your heart rather than sadness? Imagine that little voice inside your head that tells you you’re not good enough, being silenced, once and for all.

The Benefits Of Using Energy For Medicine...

Other benefits of working with me include more energy, because you will have improved sleep. And with that sleep, your dream life will be better because that will no longer revolve around your worries, because they will be reduced too. That bad boy stress will also be reduced, and you will begin to feel more secure within and experience an inner strength previously not thought possible.

What else? You now prefer to have breakthroughs in all your varying relationships and personal experiences. Having embarked on a spiritual journey, you are curious of just about everything and want the experience. You are now willing to take opportunities that perhaps before you may have shied away from and you wish to have more control over your destiny.

Perhaps you’re a little further along this momentous journey and are now considering taking your crystal journey further, by learning and understanding how crystals work. Perhaps you want to do what I do.

What Makes Me Different From Other Crystal Healers?

I was lucky enough to be the crystal columnist for Spirit & Destiny magazine, a UK monthly publication for eighteen months. I have also written for Mystic Rebel, an e—magazine where I discussed which crystals resonate for me within the season each magazine is published.

I have also recently had an article published in Tarot Tips, which is the monthly newsletter of The Tarot School and is available from www.tarotschool.com under Resources, discussing divination and crystals.  I have also written an article on crystal divination for issue 2 of Esotoracle Magazine www.esotoracle.com.

I am passionate in what I do, and I love seeing other people blossom. I am grounded and real, definitely not airy fairy or woo woo. I am knowledgeable and experienced in my craft and have credibility. I have integrity, honesty, truthfulness and am authentic.

I want to give you more energy, more purpose, more confidence which will give you more control over your destiny. I want to help you achieve better relationships in your life, with your loved ones, with your work colleagues, with your interactions with others, with your finances, with your sense of self.

So are you ready to change your life, improve your life and have me by your side to help you in a gentle way?

How Can You Work With Me?

Download Your Ultimate A-Z Guide To Crystal Healing HERE

A CRYSTAL HEALING SESSION, where colour and sound may also be used. You can visit me in Salisbury, but if that’s too far, you can still work with me and it will be a distant healing session, which is just as effective.

Work with my more deeply over the COURSE of 6 Sessions. I will use a variety of tools to help you overcome your stumbling blocks; crystals, colour, Bach flower remedies, tarot and sound. Many of my clients come down and stay over at a local bed and breakfast or pub, which is preferable for the first session, as this will be for half a day. The remaining appointments can be done as distant healing sessions.

WORKSHOPS in how to use crystals in your everyday life.

CRYSTAL & ENERGY HEALING DIPLOMA COURSE a two-year course click here for more information

To find out how you can use energy as medicine, book your Individual Session with me here today.

If you would like to speak to me to see how I can help you release the old to step into the new with my Transformational Healing Package, then please click here to send me a message and book your 30-minute discovery call – I’d love to help.

‘We can all become better versions of ourselves, we just need to believe that it is possible and that we are the architects of our lives’.

With light, and love

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Andrea Webb – Using Energy As Medicine